David Elliott and associates, inc.

    "Increasing Spheres of Influence"

Call Us Now: 714-334-4994

What we do 

 Serving God as a catalyst and difference maker by building relationships, connecting people, and being an influence for good.

Each program is designed to assist companies and organizations in a specific way. Our focus is on coaching and consulting ultimately connecting people to increase “Spheres of Influence”.  We offer specific groups as well as one on one programs to accomplish this. Click on each heading to learn more.

BOAT  (the Business Owner’s Advisory Team), a monthly  Advisor membership group that will increase your spheres of Influence and resources with other service providers       
SOAR (Sustaining and Obtaining Advisor Relationships): Coaching on the fundamentals of building an effective Relationship Network    
CAP (Connecting Advisors for Profit) a monthly service to provide personal introductions to increase spheres of influence      
OARS (Online Advisor Referral Service), an email-based referral service      
LEAD (Leadership Excellence And Development) Board and Community  development for Nonprofit organizations
​CSO (Creative Sales Outsourcing) Expand your sales and marketing team with CSOutsourcing brought in-house for both non-profit and for-profit businesses. 

GAP (Goal Achievement Performance) Coaching  - monthly meetings to set and achieve your BHAGs and personal/professional goals ,
BEYOND WORDS: Creating your Personal Purpose statement, PLANNING  AHEAD: Creating your Succession and Exit plans, all with focus on accountability and encouragement·       
The BOARD of INFLUENCE (Business Owners & Advisors Reflect & Dream) small monthly group focusing on members’ personal and professional growth.

 “7 Steps to Building a Meaningful Relationship Network “·      
 “5 Keys to Increase Spheres of Influence and Referrals from Your Network”·    
 “From Success to Significance  - Mapping Out Your Second Half Journey”